To inspire, educate, & entertain audiences with my experiences & imagination. For if just one person receives peace, hope, or even just a laugh, then my role is fulfilled.
Hi! Welcome to my virtual home! I love to explore what-if situations with pen and paper. It gives me an opportunity to see my thoughts and develop stories. I write stories to entertain my own imagination and heal my own anxieties. I am an avid writer and have been journaling for years to document moments in my ...
I was born Angela Shuman, named Angel A since I was my parent's first angel; Angel B was my twin who never became a human. If you like to play with words like I do, I am an angel as a human (AngelasHuman). We all are. It may be said that angels don't walk the earth, but I believe we all walk with hidden wings. ...
Sat, Nov 2, 2024, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Agawam Senior Center
954 Main Street, Agawam, MA 01001 United States
Calling You Pen to the Page!
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned writer, this in-person, all-day conference will give you guidance for your writing journey. The day will commence with an Open Mic for pre-registered readers, and prizes!
Writing classes, workshops, panels & presentations to get you started and develop your skills.
Judith Breier
Theresa Chamberland
Judith Crosby
Martha Johnson
Michael Buster McMahon
Jacqueline Sheehan
Keynote Speaker: TBA
New York Times Bestseller Jacqueline Sheehan (2023)
Award Winning Author Anna Bozena Bowen (2023)
Story Catcher Studios Producer & Spfld Museum Creative Writing Instructor Theresa Chamberland (2023)
IWWG Legacy Letter Faciliator Judith Breier. (2023)
Write-Up Springfield's Kateri Walsh & Donald Fisher (2023)
Intensive Playwriting monologue Class with Majestic Theater Director Danny Eaton, (2023)
One-on-one marketing coaching with Thriving Best Sellers Coach Steve Kidd. (2023)